Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The downside to having giant Japanese anime eyes is that they're easy to read.

Deciding whether to jump in or stand by the edge of the pool is never a hard decision. Who would ever want to just stand at the edge looking into the cool blue water? That would be stupid. Yet, we act like that analogy works in real life. We pretend that standing on the edge of the pool is just as tempting as jumping in. It's not. No one wants to stand in a bathing suit and stare at the fun they could be having. A pool is not scary.

Life is scary. Standing on the edge of life is like standing at the cliff of the grand canyon, or at the door of an airplane waiting to jump. That is about the equivilant of life.

You just have to accept the thrill. You are going to be scared. It's going to be tough. There may be a point where you think it will never end and you are never going to make it.... but that's life.

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